Successful mergers and aquisitions with professional tenders
We carry out medium-sized corporate mergers and aqcuisitions in Finland and internationally. We get our client the best possible shareholder value through through controlled tenders and professionally executed transactions.
Sale of Afore Oy to AEM Holdings Ltd
Client: Afore Oy

Broadius acted as financial advisor for the owners of Afore Oy, when the Company was sold to AEM Holdings Ltd, a Company listed in Singapore. Afore, operating mainly on the global markets, is specialized in industrial testing systems for semiconductors and has in depth knowledge in testing and calibrating microelectronic sensors (MEMS). Afore’s products are known for their accuracy, reliability, ease of use as well as cost efficiency.
Afore was founded in 1995 and it has a long history in MEMS-testing. As a result of the completed transaction, Afore can in the future offer more versatile services to its current and new customers. Afore’s testing solutions for R&D and production of MEMS is already now highly accurate, reliable and cost efficient. As the MEMS technology becomes more and more common, Afore can together with AEM provide its key technical knowledge to a more versatile customer base.
”Broadius’ help as project manager in this international and complicated transaction, was significant for us owners”, states Afore Oy’s main owner and CEO Vesa Henttonen.

Client: Alva Hyvinvointi Oy
Acquisition of Kainuun hoivataito Oy Child care business

Client: Alva Hyvinvointi Oy
Acquisition of Hoivaonni Oy Child care business

Client: Alva Hyvinvointi Oy
Acquisition of Lukkarinoja Oy

Sale of Algol Pharma Oy to Biocodex S.A
Client: Algol Pharma Oy

Broadius acted as financial advisor to the owners of the family-owned group Algol Oy when it sold its pharmaceutical business, Algol Pharma Oy, to the global, family-owned pharmaceutical company, Biocodex S.A. In selecting the buyer, the main selection criteria included the similarity between the functional entities and the strong commitment of the buyer to conduct its business operations in Finland and the Nordic region.
Alexander Bargum, CEO of Algol Oy, comments as follows: “As part of streamlining our businesses in the Algol Group, we wanted to sell Algol Pharma Oy to an international group that shares our values and traditions. We are confident that Biocodex is a good home for our partners, clients and employees. Broadius took our wishes carefully into consideration and their role was also significant in ensuring a successful transaction.”

Client: Esari Oy
Sale of Esari Oy to Lagercrantz AB

Client: Pika Puhtaus Oy
Acquisition of Brahea palvelut Oy cleaning business

Client: CastorIT Oy
Merger of CastorIT Oy and Bilot Oyj

International fund raising with Repsol Energy Ventures as lead investor
Client: Rocsole Oy

Broadius acted as advisor for Rocsole Oy and its owners in raising funds for developing and piloting solutions for the oil and gas sector. As lead investor acts the Spanish international oil&gas company Repsol’s venture capital arm.
”We considered it crucial to attract an international oil and gas company to co-operate with us and become shareholder, which of course requires a mutual vision of the future. Broadius understood well our expectations and during the process we had the opportunity to invite the partner of we felt suited us the best to negotiate with. Of course, prior to making the final choice we met a number of international oil and gas companies. Broadius role in managing and leading the project was significant in order to successfully close the financing round”, says Anssi Lehikoinen, Rocsole Oy:s President of the Board.

Client: Arctic Forest Foods Oy
Merger of Arctic Forest Foods Oy and Kultasuklaa Oy

Client: Andament Group owners
Reorganization of ownerships

Client: Pika Puhtaus Oy
Acquisition of Ultra-palvelu Oy cleaning business

Sale of Alte Group Oy to Alten Group S.A
Client: Alte Group Oy

Broadius acted as the consultant for the owners of the traditional Finnish engineering company, Alte Group Oy, when the company was sold to the French listed Alten Group. In selecting the buyer, the main selection criteria included the similarity between the functional entities and the strong commitment of the buyer to conduct its business operations in Finland.
Keijo Hämäläinen, CEO of Alte Group, comments on Broadius* efforts as follows: “We wanted to sell Alte Oy to an international group in the field. Broadius took our wishes carefully into consideration and we were given the opportunity to select the best candidate from several alternatives from a range of countries for the next stage in the negotiations. Broadius’ role was also significant in conducting the acquisition negotiations.”

Client: Alva Hyvinvointi Oy
Acquisition of Palvelukoti Kolmikoti Oy

Palvelukoti Kolmikoti Oy
Client: Andament Group
Sale of SL Asfaltti to GRK Ltd

Client: Indutrade Oy
Sale of Recair Oy’s Cooling Unit to Daikin Europe N.V.

Sale of FinnSweet Oy to Profita Group
Client: Finnsweet Oy

Broadius operated as a consultant to wholesaler Finnsweet Oy – an importer of sweets and nut products – when the company was sold to the investment company Profita Group. A common strategy was quickly found for the two parties that enables utilisation of growth potential and creates the conditions needed for development of the business operations.
”We are progressing smoothly on our path of growth, and our new partner is providing us with a good foundation for this. Profita Group is an independent and solid owner who I believe will bring added value as we strive to strengthen our position both in Finnish and in Russian markets. Broadius played an important role in the implementation of this successful deal”, says Petri Salonen, managing director of FinnSweet Oy.

Client: Indutrade Oy
Sale of Recair Oy’s Airhandling Unit to ETS Nord AS

Client: Tresor Oy
Tresor’s business sold to FIM

Client: Afore Oy
Sale of Afore Oy to AEM Holdings Ltd

Sale of Laine-Tuotanto Oy to Koncentra Verkstads AB
Client: Oy Laine-Tuotanto Ab

Broadius acted as a consultant for the owners as system provider Oy Laine-Tuotanto Ab was transferred to become a part of the Swedish Koncentra Verkstads AB Group. Over more than 30 years, the owners have built Laine-Tuotanto into one of the leading companies in its field in Finland, and with this arrangement of corporate structure they wanted to ensure the success of the company also in the future, in the more and more international markets.
“Broadius helped us in finding the right industrial partner, one meeting the future needs of the company and facilitating its constant development”, says Laine-Tuotanto Managing Director Ari Laine.

Client: Smoothie Heaven Oy (Jungle Juice Bar)
Sale (majority) of Smoothie Heaven Oy (Jungle Juice Bar) to Vaaka Partners investment fund

Client: Algol Pharma Oy
Sale of Algol Pharma Oy to Biocodex S.A

Client: Pistrina Oy / Leipomo Keisari
Sale of Pistrina Oy (Leipomo Keisari) to Oy Karl Fazer Ab

Sale of Human Care Network Oy to Mehiläinen Group
Client: Human Care Network Oy

Broadius toimi omistajatahon neuvonantajana, kun yli 20 vuotta toiminut perheyritys ja alansa palkittu edelläkävijä Human Care Network (HCN) sulautettiin osaksi Mehiläinen-konsernia, tämän historian suurimpana toteutuneena yritysostona.
“Broadius tunnisti ostajan, jonka arvot ja toimintamallit vastaavat parhaiten omiamme, ja siten takaavat parhaat jatkokehitysmahdollisuudet työllemme mielenterveyskuntoutuksen alalla. Siirtyminen Mehiläinen-konserniin on meille erittäin mieluisa ratkaisu”, kertoo HCN:n toimitusjohtaja Riina Helenius.

Client: Pipelife Finland Oy
Acqusition of Talokaivo Oy to Pipelife Finland Oy

Client: Obesus Oy
Acqusition of Kiloklubi from Sanoma Oyj by Obesus Oy

Client: Rocsole Oy
International fund raising with Repsol Energy Ventures as lead investor

Acquisition of Pizzeria Dennis Oy to eXperiri Oy Ab
Client: eXperiri Oy Ab

Broadius toteutti toimeksiannon, jossa eXperiri osti Pizzeria Dennis Oy:n. Osana järjestelyä tehtiin myös verotehokas sukupolvenvaihdos, jossa Dennis Rafkinin poika Kim Rafkin siirtyi osakkaaksi ja jatkaa muodostetun uuden yrityksen johtotehtävissä.
“eXperirin ja Pizzeria Denniksen liiketoiminnat täydentävät toisiaan, ja osaamisellamme voimme kehittää yritystoimintoja edelleen”, kertoo eXperiri Oy:n toimitusjohtaja Sebastian Björkstén.

Client: Finnsweet Oy
Acqusition of Namelli Oy to Finnsweet Oy

Client: Obesus Oy
Acqusition of Keventäjät from MTV Oyj by Obesus Oy (Asset deal)

Client: Kotihotelli Oy
Sale of Kotihotelli Oy to Forenom Oy

Sale of Suomen Logistiikkatalo Oy to Swedish Post’s subsidiary Posten Logistik
Client: Logistiikkatalo Oy

Broadius acted as the Logistiikkatalo Oy owners’ advisor as they were looking for the best possible exit from their company. The best suited buyer for the rapidly expanded logistics expertise company was found outside the country’s borders, when the Swedish postal service Posten’s subsidiary Posten Logistik bought the entire capital stock. The process was made straightforward even for the buyer and both parties are very satisfied with the transaction.

Client: Roima Intelligence Oy
Acquisition of Done software solutions Oy from Revenio Oyj to Roima Intelligence Oy

Client: Eezy osk
Sale of Eezy osk to VMP Group Oy

Client: Algol Chemicals Oy
Acquisition of Amixo AB to Algol Chemicals Oy

Sale of Talokaivo Oy to management and investors
Client: Talokaivo Oy

Broadius functioned as the owner’s advisor when he wished to fortify the company and transfer a majority ownership to his son currently acting as the CEO. The minority owner, a domestic group of investor possesses a strong expertise of the Finnish industries and experience of long-term ownership in domestic growth companies.
“Broadius identified the right buyers with whom the strategic planning and the competitive edge of the company will further develop. Talokaivo is in excellent condition with continuously growning operations.”- CEO of Talokaivo Mika Vainio.

Client: Looks Finland Oy
MBO of Looks Finland Oy from Wulff Oyj

Client: Iivari Mononen Oy
Acquisition of Exsane Oy to Iivari Mononen Oy

Client: Alte Group Oy
Sale of Alte Group Oy to Alten Group S.A

Client: JTK Power Oy
Sale of JTK-Power Oy to Koncentra Verkstads AB

Client: Finnsweet Oy
Sale of FinnSweet Oy to Profita Group

Client: Oy Laine-Tuotanto Ab
Sale of Laine-Tuotanto Oy to Koncentra Verkstads AB

Client: LVI-Helin Oy
Acquisition of Lännen Ilmatekniikka Oy:n to LVI-Helin Oy

Lännen Ilmatekniikka Oy
Client: Human Care Network Oy
Sale of Human Care Network Oy to Mehiläinen Group

Client: Jätevesitukku Oy
Merger of Suomen Jätevesitukku Oy and Jätevesi Oy

Client: Kovil Oy
Sale of Kovil Oy to AL-KO Dämpfungstechnik GmbH

Client: eXperiri Oy Ab
Acquisition of Pizzeria Dennis Oy to eXperiri Oy Ab

Client: Purso Tools Oy
Sale of the Tool Workshop business of Purso Tools Oy to Oitti Tools Oy

Client: Jokiauran Kiinteistöt Oy
Purchase of a 16M€ industrial real estate property for Jokiauran Kiinteistöt Oy
Jokiauran Kiinteistöt Oy
Client: LVI-Helin Oy
Sale of LVI-Helin Oy to NVS Installation AB

Client: Logistiikkatalo Oy
Sale of Suomen Logistiikkatalo Oy to Swedish Post’s subsidiary Posten Logistik

Client: RMG-Yhtiöt Oy
Sale of RMG-Yhtiöt Oy to Alstom Finland Oy

Client: Newtop Oy
Sale of Newtop Oy to management

Newtop Oy:n yritysjohto
Client: Brandex Oy
Sale of Brandex Oy to Lyreco SA

Client: Helatukku Oy
Sale of Helatukku Oy to DT Group a/s

Client: Talokaivo Oy
Sale of Talokaivo Oy to management and investors

Management and investors
Client: Pipelife M-Plast Oy
Sale of Pipelife M-Plast Oy to management and OKO Venture Capital Oy

Client: Temet Instruments (osa Finnternet Groupia)
MBO of Temet Instruments (part of Finnternet Group)

Client: Halti Oy
Sale of Halti Oy to 3i and management

Contact us
Are you considering an acquisition or selling a company? Tell us briefly about your needs or ask about our services. We will get back to you in no time!